Leaving the Church to Find God

Miracles Explained: The Power of Belief and Vibration

• Catherine Melissa Whittington • Season 1 • Episode 22

In this episode of "Leaving the Church to Find God," Melissa Whittington explores the true source of miracles through the power of belief, vibrational energy, and faith. Drawing on personal stories, teachings from Neville Goddard, and modern insights from Dr. Joe Dispenza, Melissa uncovers how belief, emotion, and energy alignment can manifest miraculous outcomes. Discover practical tools to overcome fear, build belief, and transform your life by tapping into the power within.

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(Transcribed by TurboScribe.ai. Go Unlimited to remove this message.) Aloha God Pod and welcome back to Leaving the Church to Find God. It's so nice to have you here today and I'm very excited to talk about this. I have known that it was coming, I just didn't know how it would come together, but I've really been receiving a lot of guidance on how to have this conversation and I just can't wait to share it with you. So today we're going to talk about miracles and the power of belief. So I want to start with some miracles that I actually witnessed as a child and some that I had heard of growing up. My grandfather was someone who actually laid his hands on people and healed them and I, you know, my cousin's eyes were crossed as a child, like very much crossed, and she had these very thick glasses and could hardly see and with him laying hands on her, her eyes were uncrossed. Another little girl that I grew up with, she was very bow-legged and it was really affecting her ability to walk and develop and again when hands were laid upon her, her legs straightened up. I believe that that happened easily because children don't have all the fear and other beliefs counteracting that. We're still closer to our source, like our, you know, knowing who we really are and so I do feel like these things happen more easily for children than adults because of belief, which we're going to further get into. Growing up, I also heard the story that about my uncle Joe who had a degenerative bone disease and had lost the femur in his leg. It was completely gone. He was, he'd been on crutches for years and this was getting worse. It was gonna, you know, take his spine and everything. So this was a long time ago and the only solution was to put in a bar basically going up his leg and all the way up his spine so he would be disabled for the rest of his life but have some mobility. So that was the best answer and my grandparents were not willing to accept that as a reality. So they, of course, prayed and prayed and prayed and they had gotten a message from God that he was going to be healed. So the day of his surgery, like they, they kept insisting to the doctors that he was healed. He was healed and the day before the surgery there were x-rays taken. The bone was still not there. Then the next day they just begged and pleaded that before the surgery happened that the doctors take x-rays one more time and they did and of course the bone was there in his leg out of nowhere and he was completely healed from then on out. He, I know my uncle Joe to be very able-bodied and walking and all of these things. So this was also a story that was reiterated throughout my life and being in the family knowing these people I very much believe in the credibility of it. So those things again like growing up in the church like solidified oh this is this is right what I'm learning here is right but it was just because those things were true and were happening doesn't validate all of the other teachings in that institution and I'm really going to break that down for you today to understand why and what is actually happening there. What really brought this together for me was just a couple of weeks ago I was talking to a friend and she was telling me a story about someone who was healing through Dr. Joe Dispenza who I'll talk I'll speak more of and he had gradually healed like from the toes up and it reminded me of my friend Holly. I used to work with Holly. I was in my early 20s. She was in her 20s. She had contacted meningitis when she was a child and she remembers her back hurting really bad and within a matter of a few hours she was paralyzed from the waist down and had been for 20 years at this point or 15 to 20 years and so I knew her in a wheelchair you know paraplegic and she started going to church with me and at one point we were having a prayer service where people were being prayed and praying for miracles and all of these things and of course everybody wanted the like shock and awe of her like being raised from the wheelchair but it didn't happen that way. I was beside Holly because I was praying for her and I heard my grandfather very quietly tell her God's going to heal you but it's not going to happen overnight. You're going to start feeling in your toes and when that happens thank God for the healing and then it's going to start to move up your legs slowly it's going to start to move up and you're going to gradually regain feeling and you're going to be able to walk again but every time you feel a new feeling thank God for it thank God for your healing and know that you're going to be completely healed and I always wondered why she wasn't just healed overnight like why wouldn't God just build everybody's faith and and heal her right there in front of our eyes but what I've realized is because it wasn't happening in that way that that we thought that it was that it was actually belief and vibration and that that belief had to be built in her she had to when she got the feeling in the toes it gave her some belief of oh my goodness this could happen and then she showed gratitude for it and then more came and so her belief was built up gradually as she gained this feeling. I didn't know this I didn't work with Holly but for too long after you know she had this message from my grandfather but she contacted me a few years later and let me know that that had happened that she had walked again that she had the gradual healing just as my grandfather had predicted so that really you know has got me thinking because you know I do all this deconstruction around religion and the church but also there's something very real there and where's the real and where's the not real and how did these miracles happen you know we hear stories of miracles happening in the bible and happening all over and I just really want to break that down so that we can continue this miraculous living in our day-to-day lives. So this leading me back to the power of belief so I've come to understand through my own spiritual journey that the law of attraction teaches that belief combined with emotion and gratitude creates our reality. Miracles occur not only because of a person or a place facilitating them but because of the alignment of the belief the faith and the feeling with the vibrational energy of the desired outcome. So how do beliefs manifest? Our beliefs influence our thoughts which then shape our emotions and guide our actions. These actions create our reality. If you go back to some of our other like when I'm talking about intuition and embodiment and in those episodes you know I often speak of inspired action and this is what I'm talking about when we have this inspiration come from our greater perspective and we take action on that inspiration so when I talk about inspired action that's that's what I'm talking about. So for example if you believe in abundance your thoughts will reflect this leading to positive emotions and actions that attract abundance into your life. This is how belief faith and the feeling creates the vibrational alignment necessary for miracles to manifest. So let's talk a little bit more about vibrational energy. Everything in the universe including our thoughts and emotions is made up of energy and that energy vibrates at different frequencies. High vibrations are associated with positive states like love joy and gratitude while lower vibrations are linked to negative states like fear anger and despair. So our you know we have our own energetic vibration you know our own thumbprint that we come into this world with but what we're feeling will affect that it will align us with other vibrations that create this reality right. So if you think of your vibration as your mood or your energy when your thoughts and feelings and beliefs are aligned with higher vibrations you attract experiences that resonate with those frequencies. It's similar to how a radio tunes into different stations depending on this frequency. What you tune into is what you experience by consciously raising your vibration through positive thoughts emotions and beliefs we align ourself with the energy of abundance healing and miracles. So getting practical on this as I always do tackling fear and belief are essential steps in raising your vibration and aligning with the reality that you desire. Some tools that can help you with this of course meditation and mindfulness. You can start with daily meditation to quiet the mind and tune into your inner voice focus on your breath and allow any fears or limiting to beliefs to surface without judging them acknowledge them and then gently release them as you return to a state of calm. And for me how this has worked is I you know I just give them space like okay I know there's this part of you that is based on past experience that is afraid that if I do this that this thing is going to happen and I see you and I feel you and those thoughts and beliefs are real and they're valid. However we know a lot more now and we're in a much different place and that was then and this is now and now I've got us and that really puts that inner child that scared that's those scared parts of myself to rest in knowing that I've got us like we're good or I'll work through what's the worst that could happen if we take this action what's the very worst thing that could happen and typically like when I work through that I get to like not that bad wherever it goes it's always something that I can recover from as long as I have life and breath in my body we can start over we can recover we can take what we've learned and build upon this new learning there's always it's never all lost as long as we have life it's never all lost right of course using affirmations which we've spoken to before that can help to reprogram the subconscious mind again with affirmations like you have to believe them you have to believe them when you use them otherwise it creates more resistance right but if you struggle with fear around financial abundance affirmations like I am worthy of financial success or again if that doesn't even feel like something you can believe what if I were worthy of financial success that will kind of soften that to you so that you can build that belief and really believe it when you say I am worthy of financial success or money flows to me easily and effortlessly those things can help shift our mindset but again we have to build the belief to them if what we're saying to ourselves is in resistance to what we actually actually believe it can make things worse vibrationally visualization you visualize what you want to create see it happening that helps you to create the feeling state right when you can mentally rehearse it happening like so many athletes use this right before they go into a competition they'll mentally rehearse themselves winning and then they win and that's what happens is it trains the mind of this is what's happening and when we feel it like our we our brain can't really distinguish between what is real and what isn't like real and physical reality if we are feeling it and we are seeing it then it literally will reprogram our subconscious to believe that but again you have to build your beliefs a lot of times if you're in this very low feeling state and what you're trying to accomplish is in a very high feeling state you've got to bring yourself up to that feeling state to get there right gratitude gratitude is everything cultivating or appreciation as i like to call it gratitude for me i think is a little triggering because it just brings me back to that churchy feeling of we have to earn things and it's being given to us from an outside source and we are part of source we are you know we have our own portion of the divine so i don't really believe that i will say gratitude a lot i think a lot of people identify with that but just know i mean appreciation right just appreciating the things that are coming to us and cultivating a daily practice for this whether it's through a journal we talked about this last week how it can really shift the brain right and create help us to create new beliefs but it it naturally raises raises the vibration because it gets us looking and focusing on what's going right what's going in the way that we want it to rather than focusing on the things that are not going the way that we want to writing down and mentally acknowledging like three things that you're grateful for every day that's a great place to start because it will train your brain to start looking for things to be grateful for like that song i was telling you about like beautiful chorus gratitude bring through four more things to be grateful for and that's it right shifting your brain to start looking for the things to be grateful for that will help to get you in a vibration a feeling state a feeling state of yes these things are possible wonderful things happen to me why wouldn't it happen in this way right and again challenging limiting beliefs whenever you notice limiting beliefs come up challenge it ask yourself is this belief really true why do i believe this where did this come from and replace it with more empowering beliefs that align with your desired reality again not denying and being like oh i'm terrible for believing and feeling this or how dare you or you know being abusive to your inner child no accepting it acknowledging it embracing that all of these parts of me exist and there's this mature adult self that that has healed and that knows better and that is creating a new reality for us so you can take a back seat and let me drive for a while and see what happens you know i'll tell my i'll tell my younger self i'll tell myself that sometimes when there's fear there i'll be like well what's the worst that can happen and then i work through what's the worst that can happen i'm like okay so let's just get let's just experiment you just take a back seat and let me drive this and let's just see what happens and it always works for me um i don't know you know you've got to find out what works for you right but also surrounding yourself with i hate to use positivity because it can be so toxic i i don't use positivity in the way of like only think of positive things um but i do like to surround myself with things that feel good i engage with content people environments that uplift and inspire me so when i talk about being positive that's what i'm referring to it's not negating the the negative beliefs or the limiting beliefs that we have all of it has space to exist multiple things can be true at the same time right but when i talk about being positive it's being careful of what you surround yourself with i if you noticed i don't know if you guys have done this but like when i started watching the walking dead like many years ago suddenly and i remember my mom saying that her and my brother were experiencing this as well they got me into the show but like suddenly i'm looking for zombies everywhere right i'm looking for the undead just like showing up i look it over my shoulder this fear that something could come out at any moment that things are going to fall apart you know i've noticed that when i would watch like svu or something there would be i would just be thinking a lot about like sexual assault and murder and all of these things and that's where my thoughts were so i'm really really careful about who i'm around what i watch what i listen to because i like to keep myself in a positive feeling state am i always there heck no but i know how to get myself there when i need to be like recently i've been going through some really trying stuff that's been very mentally taxing and really really was bringing me down and i am aware of this i give her i give myself space to feel everything but also when i reached a point of like okay i'm ruminating i'm replaying this thing over and over again and i'm not coming to any solutions then i take it to the valley is what that's what i call it so i went to yao valley my my happy place and to be in the trees and the river and the and the rocks and it wasn't a quick uh parking lot stop where i go to the quick little pools by the parking lot for a cool dip no i really have to get myself immersed in the valley and i'll go for a little hike and find like a place of solitude to just be there with nature i intentionally let the river wash the things through me i use the native american practice of submerging myself three times and each time releasing these things that aren't serving me and handing it over to my broader perspective to god to a higher power to whatever you believe in but just handing it over and saying my human my mind has done all that she can do with this i'm handing it over to you now i'm not going to ruminate on this i'm not going to let this take over my vibration and get me out of this happy amazing feeling state that i've been in and it did it did for a little while but i released it when once i recognized that like this is going nowhere but down i took the necessary steps to get myself back into a positive feeling state and i didn't leave the valley until something new had come through not even a solution for that but actually yesterday it was for this it was for this podcast it was like it's time to do the miracles episode and then i started thinking about it and then i got really excited and instead of ruminating on the situation that i was stressed out about i left really excited and thinking about this episode and what i was going to share with you and what i was going to talk about so when i talk about surrounding yourself with positivity this is what i'm talking about like there was a study recently that i saw where they over and over and over again they did this they took people in a room to work on a project like together right and then they had other people the same amount of people in another room working on a project y'all forgive me i'm gonna butcher the heck out of this but you will get the point of it i promise i'll try to promise i don't know i'm doing my best but they have the people in the one room working together everybody was just of a regular mindset everything was going well inevitably every single time they tried this in the other room where they had one negative person one negative person and within half an hour everybody's energy would shift into being a more negative mindset that's how important it is the people that you keep around you the people that you surround yourself with and this doesn't mean like oh that person's negative i'm never going to talk to them again no but really be aware of who you're inviting into your circle of who you're having close to you because it has a deep deep effect on your life and this goes beyond the spiritual and the woo-woo like this has been proven studies have been done about this so surrounding yourself with good feeling thoughts people things those are going to help to keep you in this higher vibrational state so going back to the healing in the church that i experienced i think that one aspect of this that i've always respected about my grandfather was his humility right he never exalted himself as a healer or a miracle worker he always gave credit to jesus which in a way prohibited him from from using his own internal power in other ways but it actually was very helpful for these people who needed miracles right but i believe this humility it allowed him to facilitate true healing without getting caught up in his ego like other figures like benny hin who are often accused of letting ego and performance overshadow genuine healing and so then they're faking it and which is actually decreasing people's faith and decreasing people's belief and if you do want to go biblical faith the size of a mustard seed moves the mountains right that's something that i keep and i even got this as a child i was like there's a distinction here they're not saying that jesus is moving the mountains they're not saying that god is moving the mountains they're saying that faith that's the belief right the the evidence of things hoped for right and not yet seen the faith of a mustard just a tiny bit of faith can move mountains now there's parts of this that they've that have been left out intentionally to keep us from our own personal power and from manifesting our desires and i will get back into that in a few minutes so neville goddard is a philosopher who taught about the power of imagination and faith in manifesting reality he believed that what we imagine and what we believe with conviction becomes our reality which resonates with what i saw in my grandfather's healing work he never doubted the possibility of miracles and thus they manifested his faith was able to build faith in those around and as people saw more and more miracles manifested it built more and more belief my grandfather deeply deeply studied the bible and i believe that he saw these truths and although there were some other misguided you know indoctrinated beliefs in there he really did get to the core of what it takes to create a miracle however you know he did not take credit himself but he did you know he he had some stuff right about this and we would have testimony services right where we would spend the whole wednesday night everybody just getting up and giving their testimonies of the miracles and the blessings that had happened in their lives so there was a lot of faith built in our church that created a space for these miracles to happen for these beliefs to become real for us and neville goddard goddard's books i'm such a hard time saying his name a lot of them have been changed because again you know the powers that be do not want us to know and understand our true power and ability to manifest our reality which is why the book of thomas was chosen to be left out of the bible which i will more into but his books were titled like the power of faith and the power of feeling and and the miracle of your imagination those aren't the exact book names but they're along those lines right it was all about faith feeling imagination and he even goes into biblical text if that's more of what you're interested in he's got i think like 12 or 14 different books that are all talking about this and these methods and he this was you know many many years ago so he's he's no longer alive but his teachings are alive and well and being taught by many people so like dr joda spenza who in the 80s he was a chiropractor and he had already done some experiments with other like telepathy and stuff with roommates and stuff i really recommend his episode on my ambialics the breakdown because it goes into a different like earlier part of his life that i don't really hear him speak about in other episodes or books that he has but it really for me helps to see how he built these beliefs but he was paralyzed he was in an accident in the 80s and he was going to be disabled for the rest of his life and he just refused to believe that so he healed himself through the power of his mind and he had committed that if this if he could be healed in this way that he would spend he would make it his life's work to teach it to other people and that's what he's done and there are so many miracles you can go on youtube and listen to people tell their stories over and over again people being healed from stage four cancer and things that are considered to be incurable over this is happening today in modern day times people his retreats i think have like 10 000 people and they sell out in less than 10 minutes and he works himself into the bone trying to get this to everybody but you know his retreats are known for this and it's a lot of collective meditation and raising vibration and there's other miraculous amazing things that happen into these but we'll save that for another episode but dr joe dispensa was able to heal himself from being what would potentially be a quadriplegic into very able-bodied and you know teaching this around the world and he uses a form of meditation visualization like self-hypnosis and beliefs changing our beliefs and he changes beliefs with research he is it's in his dharma he's a research person so he does brain scans he does blood tests he does dna tests like he does all of this testing on people before the retreats and after the retreats and there are visible differences huge differences that are made through in the brain and throughout the body over the course of a few days and so he speaks a lot about beliefs and changing beliefs and i love his meditations i have had psychedelic experiences from his meditations i have experienced so much joy and self-expression from using his meditations i highly recommend his work if it's something that feels like it resonates with you but just like holly's gradual healing dispenses methods emphasize the importance of building belief and aligning our energy with the outcome that we desire so the book of thomas as we delve deeper into these concepts i just feel like it's really important to introduce you to a lesser known text that offers profound insights into the power within each of us and that is the book of thomas it was part of the biblical text originally and was left out of the versions that we know and again i believe this is intentional in the indoctrination to keep us from our personal power because if everyone was reading the book of thomas it would negate most of what they've learned from paul and these other people who just want to indoctrinate people into a church of control but this text is often referred to as the gospel of thomas as well and it's part of the nagamati library which is a collection of early christian writings that were discovered in egypt in 1945 so the book of thomas is unique in that it emphasizes the idea of divine knowledge and the power within each of us to create and manifest our own reality unlike more traditional gospels it doesn't focus on external miracles as much as it does on internal transformation and the understanding that the kingdom of god is within us the teachings in this book align closely with what i've been discussing it's the idea of belief faith and feeling and when aligned with our inner divine nature we can create the vibrational energy necessary to manifest miracles by recognizing the divine within as the book of thomas suggests we can tap into the same source of power that enables these miracles the source of all that is right it's all energy everything is energy vibrating at different levels so god the source of creation that is that we are made from that everything is made from it's all this there is no separation and in this life we have this illusion of separation but the the connectedness the wholeness is available to us when we can understand beyond our minds capacity and really tap into our intuition and our inner knowing and our beliefs so what does all this mean well whether it's through the teachings of jesus abraham hicks bashar the philosophies of neville goddard the methods of dr joe dispensa there's so many sources of the same information delivered in different ways so that people can hear it in the way that they need to hear it which is why it's so important for us to be our unique authentic selves for us to speak in our authentic voice because there's someone who needs to hear what we have to say from us it's important that this comes through from so many different teachers in different ways because we all hear things in the way that isn't aligned with us and again this is this is why i'm so so hell-bent on teaching about authenticity because we all have our own unique power that the world needs we're giving it to share with the world around us and when we can tap into that authentic self just as these people have we can really have a huge effect on not only our lives but the future of humanity and of the planet but the consistent theme in these beliefs is that belief faith and feeling create the vibrational alignment necessary to manifest miracles it's not just about what we think it's about how deeply we believe the faith we hold and the emotions we feel that aligns us with the reality that we desire this alignment is what opens the door to the miracles so coming back to how to put this into practice imagination practice regularly use your imagination to visualize your desires as they have already been fulfilled feel as though it's already happened how would i feel if this had already happened tap into those feelings if you can see and feel the end result vividly then this is going to help to bring it into fruition then our brain is going to look for the cues that lead us to our desired result feeling is key you have cultivate the emotions associated with having already achieved these goals feeling the reality of your desires helps bring them into manifestation what does that feel like it feels like ease it feels like joy it feels like relief whatever think about what the desired reality that you have is going to feel like if it feels like movement if it feels like health and tap into what those feelings are tap in and let yourself imagine it being true and feeling those feelings use affirmations once you've built believe started building the beliefs use affirmations

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