Leaving the Church to Find God

Part 2- Rich Ralston on Embracing Spirituality and the Power of Energy Work

February 22, 2024 Catherine Melissa Whittington Season 1 Episode 3
Part 2- Rich Ralston on Embracing Spirituality and the Power of Energy Work
Leaving the Church to Find God
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Leaving the Church to Find God
Part 2- Rich Ralston on Embracing Spirituality and the Power of Energy Work
Feb 22, 2024 Season 1 Episode 3
Catherine Melissa Whittington

Embark on a spiritual odyssey with our inspiring guest, Rich Rolston, as we defy the traditional boundaries of the church and delve into the rejuvenating practices of chakra balancing and past life clearing. Discover how to harness your inner energy and confront the ego's quest for validation, finding solace in your inherent worth that transcends the need for external affirmation. Through Rich's personal narrative, we reveal the transformative power of breaking free from fear-based beliefs and fully embracing the liberty that comes with genuine self-acceptance.

Navigate the complexities of modern identity and the cultural biases that challenge the acceptance of psychic abilities with us. Rich guides us through the transition from organized religion to a spirituality that resonates on a deeply personal level, while acknowledging the diverse threads that make up our social fabric—from our political beliefs to our dietary choices. Our conversation celebrates the significance of communal respect and the myriad perspectives that enrich our collective experience, all while sharing the wisdom of community and the respect for various life paths.

Concluding our journey, we venture into the fascinating realm where intuition meets quantum physics, examining the work of a Chinese physicist in quantum computing and its parallels to the elusive nature of human thought. Rich offers compelling insights into the collective power of intention, the heart chakra's influence, and the law of attraction. Through captivating stories, we illustrate the profound implications of understanding and directing energy and how this knowledge can redefine our reality. Join us as we explore the profound influence of subtle energies and recognize our potential to shape the world around us through the power of belief and intention.

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If you would like to be a guest on this podcast or would like to support this work, visit www.leavingthechurchtofindgod.com where you can contact Melissa and or make a donation. Follow along my journey on IG at @authenticallymeli and find more in depth content on YouTube at Diary of an Authentic Life.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Embark on a spiritual odyssey with our inspiring guest, Rich Rolston, as we defy the traditional boundaries of the church and delve into the rejuvenating practices of chakra balancing and past life clearing. Discover how to harness your inner energy and confront the ego's quest for validation, finding solace in your inherent worth that transcends the need for external affirmation. Through Rich's personal narrative, we reveal the transformative power of breaking free from fear-based beliefs and fully embracing the liberty that comes with genuine self-acceptance.

Navigate the complexities of modern identity and the cultural biases that challenge the acceptance of psychic abilities with us. Rich guides us through the transition from organized religion to a spirituality that resonates on a deeply personal level, while acknowledging the diverse threads that make up our social fabric—from our political beliefs to our dietary choices. Our conversation celebrates the significance of communal respect and the myriad perspectives that enrich our collective experience, all while sharing the wisdom of community and the respect for various life paths.

Concluding our journey, we venture into the fascinating realm where intuition meets quantum physics, examining the work of a Chinese physicist in quantum computing and its parallels to the elusive nature of human thought. Rich offers compelling insights into the collective power of intention, the heart chakra's influence, and the law of attraction. Through captivating stories, we illustrate the profound implications of understanding and directing energy and how this knowledge can redefine our reality. Join us as we explore the profound influence of subtle energies and recognize our potential to shape the world around us through the power of belief and intention.

Support the show

If you would like to be a guest on this podcast or would like to support this work, visit www.leavingthechurchtofindgod.com where you can contact Melissa and or make a donation. Follow along my journey on IG at @authenticallymeli and find more in depth content on YouTube at Diary of an Authentic Life.

Speaker 1:

Aloha and welcome back to Leaving the Church to Find God, your safe space for exploring faith beyond traditional walls. I'm your host, melissa, and whether you grew up in the Evangelical Church, like I did, or any other system, seeking answers, you're in the right place. This podcast isn't about judgment or attacking institutions. It's about honest conversations, diverse spiritual paths and celebrating the unique journeys that we all take in search of meaning. We've all experienced indoctrination in some form, and here we explore how it shapes our understanding of ourselves and the divine. Each week, we'll dive into thought-provoking topics, share inspiring stories from guests and listeners like you, and offer tools and insights for navigating your own deconstruction journey. Remember, leaving the Church doesn't mean leaving your faith. It's about finding your own authentic connection to something greater. So buckle up, embrace the open dialogue and join me as we explore what it means to move beyond confines and discover the deeper personal connection to the divine that exists within us all. Aloha and welcome back.

Speaker 1:

Fellow seekers, are you ready to continue your incredible journey with Rich Rolston? In part one, we explored his remarkable transformation from church leader to clairvoyant healer. Now we dive into the heart of his practice. Prepare to learn how Rich uses practices like chakra balancing and past life-flearing to facilitate healing, practical tools you can integrate into your own life to unlock hidden energy potential and the unseen force that's shaping your reality, and how to work with them for well-being and growth. Get ready to be empowered, inspired and equipped with knowledge to navigate the currents of your own subtle energy.

Speaker 1:

So let's continue our exploration with Rich Rolston. I want to go back to that what you were saying about the ego, and one thing when I really really got radically honest with myself that I realized is when I felt so strongly about a stance and that I needed to defend something and convince people of something. It's because I needed to convince myself, it's because it was me against my higher self and really the person I felt like. The more people I could get to agree with me, the more that would be right, but my soul knew that it wasn't and I think that that's where the conflict comes in. Where we just really need to get everybody on our team is because our soul knows that we don't believe it.

Speaker 2:

So in our self-validation, we want to validate ourselves. Yeah, that ego thing is predominant in human beings because we all want to. Well, even in animals I mean, the animal kingdom is the same way. They've all inherited this energy field of consciousness that requires us to be accepted. I guess the word acceptance, I think, is more of it. You're accepted into a group, a norm. We all want to be accepted by somebody or something, and that's the whole.

Speaker 2:

What triggers people to get religious is they want to be accepted by God. And I remember when I was in India, I was driving down the road and I just come from working with a bunch of people and I kept asking God is this acceptable to you? And I'll never forget that moment. He says are you pleased with me, is this acceptable? And it was like I got this thing. You're always accepted. Why are you asking me that question? It was like one of my angels was saying you got to wake up here. You're not doing this to be approved by God. You're not over here to be approved by God so you can go to heaven and get a bunch of rewards. Why are you?

Speaker 1:

here. Yeah, I was missing your life, or like missing your whole life, for the thing that happens after your life, it's mind blowing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what the pretense of it all is. It's like you don't go to church and you don't go to mass or you don't. You know, I was in a church where you had to go three times a week. You know, if you miss a service, you know God's not going to be happy with you, and if you don't, tithe and you're stealing from God and all these kind of mind control tactics.

Speaker 1:

Or if you're struggling, it's because God's displeased with you. Somehow you know there's never a winning in that. There's never a. You're going to reach the place you're supposed to be. It's always a deficit. It's always trying to keep up with something else.

Speaker 2:

You always meet the standards of Christ Right, and if your family's in trouble, it means you don't pray enough.

Speaker 1:

Right. I remember my little brother having seizures. I was about I was 18 and I had a baby brother and he was having seizures and I remember my mom and my stepdad sat me down and told me that it was because I wasn't living right. My brother was having seizures, you know, and I got in a hit and run. Somebody hit my car and ran and I was. That was again because I wasn't living right, you know. But is it really like serving a God if you're doing it out of fear? Like is it really this, this copacetic loving relationship that it's framed to be, if you're only in it out of fear? Like that's an abusive relationship? Is what that is, where we're just waiting to be used by God, like people who love you. Don't use you. They lift you up and amplify you, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's really a challenge to get out of that matrix of thinking.

Speaker 1:

It is, it's layers, it's so deeply.

Speaker 2:

There's layers and layers and layers. I'll give you an example. One time I was up at a hot springs in Idaho. We did a winter retreat and we were doing the technique of sitting in a hot tub and then jumping into an ice cold river to clear your chakras, okay. And I used to go up to a lake up in Idaho and I'd make a big bonfire and I'd throw a bunch of sage in it and I'd stand in the smoke and I would take this hatred I had for some certain people and then I would run down and jump into the lake and clear my chakras that way. That's what the Native Americans used to do.

Speaker 2:

It works to a certain degree. It just shocks your body, you know. And one of them was acceptance. And I'll never forget I was standing there and this friend of mine he looks at me and he says you're still waiting for the church's approval, aren't you? And I hadn't been in the church in a number of years. And I go, wow, I really need to get rid of that, and I did. But that was so profound to think that you have to get their approval. And think about people that are running around. They never feel like they'll ever measure up.

Speaker 1:

It's because the standard is impossible. The standard has been set impossibly high. Of course you're not going to measure up. That's how they keep you in there. If they had told everybody that the answer is to come back to yourselves, then they wouldn't have any congregation. Take out a big job.

Speaker 2:

All this will estate would be up for sale. All these churches would be up for sale, even for libraries or something else. Yeah, it's pretty interesting. Our society is so molded and financially depended upon it too. Absolutely, it's become an industry.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, absolutely. I call it the Jesus industrial complex. They've turned Jesus into a product.

Speaker 2:

Well, when I was in Idaho, there's a lot of LDS people and I lived real close to a Mormon temple and I had clients and friends that were Mormon people. I love them, they're wonderful people, but it was the same thing.

Speaker 1:

Well, the Pentecostal all of that actually stems from Mormonism. It's like a branch off. Most of our evangelical religions are a branch off from Mormonism.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because our ex-pastor she was a Mormon that got converted to Pentecostalism. That makes sense. Yeah, they have all these rules and regulations. It's an industry, it's a business, it's a social structure. Today, Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

That's a lot about what I'm writing about. My book is how the colonization the missionaries have actually gone through and separated people from their knowledge, from their understanding, their wisdom of connecting with the earth and their bodies and brought in this culture of crime and punishment. There's this deity that's judging everything that you're doing, so now your life is in service to this deity to keep it happy. Yeah, it's not just in the United States. I feel like it's reached most of the world.

Speaker 2:

Well, Hawaii's a perfect example.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

When the queen was brought into power, she did away with the kahunas here. The kahunas because I studied the huna, which is a lot of what I do in energy work is connecting with your higher and lower soul. I mean, the Hawaiians had it pretty well figured out. They could cross souls over. They understood how to cross souls over. What I found was really interesting is when I went to Kona and I was going into the Hayao Falls crossing souls over, I could chronologically date the times I started picking up souls that hadn't crossed over. It was around 1700.

Speaker 2:

In the 1700s Before that, there wasn't any souls I had to cross over because they'd already been taken care of. But that's when the kahunas were outlawed and they weren't allowed to exist here on the islands. You see, Until now it became a Christian Methodist religion, a congregational church. That's when spirituality pretty much died here and the Hawaiians were forced to either conform or shut up what happens everywhere. But what? And then I had to start crossing souls over that were born after that, because those souls were trapped, they didn't know what to do, the ones that had gone through trauma. So it was so interesting to me to see how that, had that whole scenario had changed, you know yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm everywhere around the world today.

Speaker 1:

Do you feel like that's why you were like attracted to Hawaii?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I had two past life experiences here and I just I used to come over here every year for like 10 years for vacation. So when I retired I said I gotta live, I gotta live over here. So we came over here God here and I. You know there's times when I missed the mainland to a certain degree, but I feel like my past lives have kept me here because I have such a strong connection with the ancestors. But I also have a strong Native American Background.

Speaker 2:

When I was in Idaho Because I had a past life experience with the Hopi Indians. So when I was in Sedona I went over there. I crossed over a lot of Native American Tribes that hadn't crossed over. So I have this kind of connection between the Hawaiians and Native Americans More than but I could find I don't have any connections with Med East people, med Eastern people, you know. So it's kind of interesting. I think we all, all of our, all of us have connections around the earth. You know. It's just kind of like and If you're deciding that you're going to try to use your gifts and you have the luxury of having the ability to do that, in other words, maybe have the finances to be able to move someplace or freedom to do it, then you should take advantage of that and explore it and see where it takes you.

Speaker 2:

You know, yeah, there's a lot of places where people aren't welcome as psychics, but it's, it's changing, it's growing. You know, it's like anything else, but it's a cultural change. But there's a lot of people walking away from organized religion because it's become political. The, the concept of the purity of religion has kind of gone away. Now it's who you're going to vote for or something you know. I mean, it's totally different. That's Maybe helping souls wake up or at least question you know, why am I here? What am I doing? Is my sole purpose just to be part of a political party? Right, they're not even be here in 10 years from now, who knows? So it's kind of like Maybe there's more to it.

Speaker 2:

We, as energy workers, we have to be at a place where we can help other people and not be biased. You know that's that's very difficult at times. You know you have to be able to step aside your any bias that you might have and listen to other people. And that's why this energy work, I think, is so important, because If we focus on ourselves, we and we finally connect with ourselves, like you are and a lot of other people, you can get rid of that yourself To see what we're supposed to be doing here on earth. Well, we have this short little period of time in our physical bodies to do something, you know yeah, I found because I was born into the church and my grandparents pastored the church and I was just like I was in it.

Speaker 1:

And I have found that for me to be able to, because, like you were saying, like even when people leave the church, there's still that like it's got, you know, wanting to please God or get God's approval, and I realized that, like that was a touchstone for my foundation of of belief and being so. I had undone a lot of stuff, but that was still, you know, what I compared things to, like it was. It was still my basis of basis of understanding. But when I had built my own foundation Of belief and who I was, that felt aligned with my soul, it was easy, it was like a natural, just moving over from one touchstone to the new one that I had built.

Speaker 1:

I can't imagine trying to Undo an entire belief system without something else to lean on. And I think for me, like when I left the church and came to Hawaii, then I was very much in the new age movement and it's it took me, you know, another two decades to realize that that's just another form of the same thing. I mean, it's still all about, you know, like meeting a set of rules or whatever, and that ultimately, like, we all have our own path and the only One that knows our path is like the source, like our higher self, like the source of it all. So you know, there isn't even like with, like Abraham Hicks or someone like you or something. It's all.

Speaker 1:

Everything that is spoken it's going to be within the context of what you have. You know the words that you have and the things that you can relate to. So I also feel, like for human beings, that that's why it's so important community for our survival. It's because we all have our own pieces and to be able to bring those pieces together without someone else's path needing to look exactly like ours, like when you're talking about your friend who is an atheist and having that relationship. It's like we, we need to understand our relationship. It's like we need to understand our sameness while also just accepting or, you know, respecting our difference.

Speaker 2:

But we're bombarded with so many aspects In our society today. Things are because everything's out in the open, right? We've got the internet now, so we used to be maybe just bothered with. What kind of job do you have, right? Where do you work? Okay. How much money do you make, compared to the guy next door to you? Okay, now we have. What race are you? Okay, that's important. What sexual Affinity do you have? Right? That was never brought up much before, okay. What political affinity do you have?

Speaker 2:

Um, it gets down to even what kind of food do you want to eat? Do you want to be a vegan, or you want to eat meat, right? Or even if you're meditating, well, do you want to follow this person or do you want to follow that person? I mean, it's so complicated, everything is. They're trying to make everything so complicated, right, and it doesn't have to be that way, but it's and I think, due to the fact that we have access to so much information.

Speaker 2:

And I have people that were vegan, that were criticizing me and I'm sitting in a group of psychics Because I was eating eggs for breakfast and they were just criticizing the hell out of me, and I'm going wait a minute, um, is it really that important to you? Right? It was like, come on, give me a break here. I'm, I, um, that's all we're going to argue about is just what I'm eating for breakfast, right, but that was it that separated me from this other person, and this other person was getting really angry with me, wow, and I go this is okay. So let's take a step back here and look at this scenario and say If that's what's so important to you, then you need to consider the fact that, okay, we need to work on something here.

Speaker 2:

Okay, how is our society going to get along if we have to argue over whether you're going to have eggs or you're going to have papaya for breakfast? I don't care, but that's how extreme our society has become. That other person is a good person, he's a wonderful person, but why do I have to be separated because of that one issue, right? Right, so until people come to that point of quote, unquote, unconditional love, they don't understand the importance of it, I guess, yeah, I mean, look at all the different opinions that we have about everything, like Lahaina, for an example. You and I can make a whole list of things that people are arguing about, okay, and everyone of them is probably justified in what they're saying. But there has to come a place of understanding and cooperation or nothing's going to happen.

Speaker 1:

Right? Well, and that separateness is just distracting us, right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because it's in the unity that we grow and that we expand and evolve, and by keeping us separate. You know, it's funny because I think for a long time I kind of thought of, like the systems that are just like a puppet that's arranging everything, and while I do, I'm sure that there is some degree of that, like I think that's how it started, but the systems are already set in place and everything that we're experiencing is just a result of being in that system, stimulant reaction yeah.

Speaker 1:

And it's built like on the basis of colonization, which was separating people from their culture, separating people from each other, from their divine connection. Because without that divine connection you're searching. Like you said, people are searching, they're desperate, they need some direction and without any other context like this is how God is fed to you. So you know, it's that or nothing, right?

Speaker 2:

I think that's one of the reasons why, in our meditation groups, I try to get us into what we call the quantum field, okay, which is kind of like the source of where energy is coming from. We can ask the questions, we can do our own soul searching and say what's with me anyway? How come I'm thinking this way? I need help, I need clarity. The reason for meditation is to really get that clarity so that we can see for ourselves like you've already done that in clearing your past religious beliefs so have I? Okay, because you have to get the clarity and come into that point and say who do I want to be? Who do I want to be? Yeah, you know, am I? Do I still want to be believing this or believing that, when there's no foundation of truth to it? And maybe there isn't a foundation of truth in what I'm following right now, so I need to find out whether there is so in energy work, what we do is we work on people.

Speaker 2:

My own philosophy was if we're going to work on people for healing, if they're not healed, we're not doing what we're supposed to do. Okay, it's not true, people are healed. Then it's we're learning to channel energy into a positive way. Yeah, because what we're learning to do is channel energy. Is what we're doing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we keep the religious part of it out and just look at, I'm sending energy into this physical body. The physical body is a simulating, simulating the energy in that particular organ and it's healing it. I don't understand how that works. I don't even pretend to understand how it all works, but if it works, then I must be doing something correct, right, follow me, I'm on a path that's leading to something good because that person is benefiting from it. And rather than say, well, it was Jesus that healed the person, now, how do I know if it was Jesus or God in a third planet somewhere? How do I know any of that? Right, right, and that's where the source really came from. Because everybody wants the answers for everything. I mean, I'm still seeking for answers, right, right.

Speaker 1:

Right, well, and I think that, like we're looking for a finite definition of something that's infinite, like there is a complete definition because it's always growing and changing and expanding, and that's the whole point, right, so to be able to package it it's not possible, and we're all going to understand it in a way that makes sense under the context that we have.

Speaker 2:

One time I was doing readings in a place here in QI and I had this guy come in. He was from China and he sat down in front of me and he said tell me who I am and what I want to do. I'm not telling you anything. So I looked at him for a minute and I opened up to him and I said you're a scientist, you're a physicist and you're coming to learn how to manipulate energies. You're working on some sort of a program. He says okay. He says yeah, I read your book. That's a little energy. He says we're building a quantum computer in China and I'm trying to figure out how it works. Can you tell me how you do what you do? And I said no, I can't.

Speaker 2:

I was born with these gifts, but I do have the ability to move energy. I said you're trying to figure out how to quantify something that isn't. You can't hold it in form Because the quantum field is changing. It's like a matrix of energy that's changing. Billions of energy forms are changing constantly. You're trying to conform that into something like AI. Ai can do certain things, but you'll never be able to completely harness it because it's in a constant state of change. That makes sense. The universe is changing every second. Everything that we're doing is in a state of change. Think of your thoughts. You can change your thoughts instantaneously. You can change your will to this, to that instantaneously. How can you put all that into a box and define it as this is the way it's going to be forever?

Speaker 1:

Right, you can't. I think it's important to put a distinction on that. That change is expansion. That's one thing that really helped me to tune into. My intuition was if I felt something or was asking the question and it felt expansive, well that makes sense. If it felt like it was drawing my energy tight, drawing my energy in, that's not how energy works. It wants to expand. Having that understanding of if energy wants to expand, let's let it expand, and I'm not going to cause it to contract In any way, if I can help it. I think that's true. It is always changing. It's always expanding.

Speaker 2:

Going through the quantum field, we try to allow ourselves to be shown something new. In our class we don't just stick to the same. I have a methodology to helping people get into their dimensions, but that's only for their benefit. If they don't want to use it, they don't have to. But in reality we don't know where we're going to go Because we're moving, shown new things all the time. We're just being shown that we have the power to create energy fields, of consciousness, to change things.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

How do we do that? We have to learn how to do that. It's constantly changing. It's like this is fun because we're not stuck in a box where we're just doing the same exercises every day.

Speaker 1:

We don't just listen to one person, we can all bring our understanding to the table.

Speaker 2:

One person doesn't have all the answers. That's why I like to have a group of us together, because every one of us is introducing ideas and sharing our energies together, because some person will come up with an idea and that will expand into another idea and then we can start working, figure out how to work off that idea Right.

Speaker 1:

Right. I love that about our group and I've noticed that since we started doing it, I get into the quantum field really easily In my meditations. I can feel it Just whoop. Okay, I don't have to take my time with that. I've also, since we've been doing this group work and I really think that the value of multiple people is exponential. You're really amplifying, you're bringing more energy into one place Not that it's limited, but I don't know how it works. But I know that that makes a difference when there's more people and also when you're around people who have cleared their energy and operate in the quantum field that you start to calibrate, I guess for lack of a better word to whatever energy that they're functioning at. So I've noticed in our group the understanding of energy that is happening is just happening so quickly, more and more quickly, like every time we do our meditations, every time we meet.

Speaker 1:

Until, like last week, I literally had an experience where I could see anxiety in my cells and I could see it coming into my body and instead of letting it draw me in, I said, nope, this is going to expand me fully.

Speaker 1:

And I opened it up and I could see it had a color. I could see it in my cells and I just let it be there and once it had taken up all of its space, I was like now you're excitement and everything changed. It changed colors, it continued to expand and then everything in my world started to change. I started getting calls about job offers and everything, and that's when I realized I literally have control over this energy. By feeling it, recognizing it, then I could tell it what I want it to be. I'm not being controlled by this energy, and that has been mind blowing. This past week has just been like whoa, because now I'm having so much fun with it, like, oh, this is weird, what's the energy in that and what can I do with it? So it works. I don't know how it works, but I know it works.

Speaker 2:

It's called the law of attraction Whatever you put out, you get back. So lots of times we'll connect into our heart chakras, which is our power center, and we'll project, we'll manifest our desires. So what do you think you're doing? The heart chakra is 5,000 times more powerful than your brain. Who told us that? The CIA? They've been working with people since the 60s. Cias have the top psychics in the world working for them. They do all this remote viewing of different things.

Speaker 2:

I read one of their books, you know, and it was like OK, your heart chakras will manifest your energy. So think about it. You take your intent. We take all of those people together. We take eight people and say we put them all together and we put all of our intent on healing the ozone or something, or healing our oceans, for sending energy out into the ocean to heal the pollution, the molecules in the water that are killing animals. We're going sending our intent. Now we don't really understand on a chemical basis how it works, but we don't have to know that because we're giving that energy out there for an energy field of consciousness that knows how to do that. I don't know what we want to call it. It doesn't matter. We call it elementals or dev experience, or you're going to put any kind of a name you want on it. It doesn't matter. We're sending that energy out to that particular thing, concentrating all of our energies together, our intent, our desire, into that, and it works it does work.

Speaker 1:

I can't I couldn't help but notice they had made an announcement on the news that Maui was going to have three months of drought. It was going to be our driest winter ever. We were going to have no rain and then in our group, we started focusing on rain coming and it was within a week. We had a week long rain and it has rained. It's rained all over the island multiple times since then. A little bit of flooding, it was a lot of rain. Maybe we could pull it back a little bit, I don't know. But I saw immediate. Everything was saying we weren't going to get rain. We all focused on it. The rain started coming.

Speaker 1:

I also have noticed that within myself and I noticed it as a kid and I never really understood what it was that when the wind was doing something, that I could just tell it what to do and be like okay, but move here, for now I need to do this thing and you're going to blow it away or whatever. Just think about it. Be like okay. The wind would literally do what I was telling it to do and I couldn't help but notice that I'm like. I think I'm having good effect on this. Then, when I started taking hula and learning the olies and chanting. And whenever you start chanting, all the leaves start blowing and all the birds start going crazy and the wind gets involved and I was like, oh yeah, that was really happening, that's a real thing.

Speaker 2:

Well, the Native Americans had the rain dances, something different than what you were doing. They were turning into the energy fields of consciousness that control the weather patterns and they learned how to energize that particular field of energy to create rain. I mean, it's been going on for thousands of years. What we did is we just energetically went into what I term the word elementals, which is nothing more than a state of consciousness that's controlling the environment. When I was doing the medicine wheel, it was the north, south, east, west wind, which basically I was able to identify as angels. I mean, it's all the same stuff. It's all learning how to use energy and it's fun, because when you learn it for good, you're not learning it to control people and for your own greed. You're learning to do it to help mankind. Then the earth responds very well because we're all in harmony.

Speaker 2:

What we're trying to fight is harmony on this planet through a maze of chaos that has been deliberately created to disrupt mankind. We're working on it systematically because a lot of us are tired of living in chaos within our own selves. People run around. They can't find peace within themselves. When they finally do, the world's a whole lot different place. That's really the main goal in this whole thing we're doing is to find peace within ourselves and find peace within the world, try to bring some harmony. We can only start with ourselves and whatever we're shown to do. We can't do the whole world right now, but we can work on Maui and we can work on segments.

Speaker 2:

I mean, last night we were trying to work on Israel in Palestine and you realized how hard that was. You were standing in front of a wall trying to chip away at a field of energy that was so full of hate and malice it was. You know, it was really discouraging because that had been put up there for so long. And here we are, this little group trying to bring peace. Well, but eventually, if we kept working on it, we might be able to chip away at that. You know what I'm saying. But you can feel those fields of energy and I was thinking about I had literally had churches praying against me.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'm so glad you brought that up.

Speaker 2:

Yes, when I left the church I had, I would sit in my kitchen and I could feel this oppression coming on me and it was people that were praying. Now you got to realize they thought they were praying to God. They were saying oh, you know, make this person so miserable that they're going to come back to our church, right, right, that's witchcraft, that's not, that's just plain old witchcraft. And I could feel this big wall of energy coming to me. Now, learning to do energy work. I, I would. I would just create a wall and push it back and send it back to them. Okay, I didn't, I wouldn't allow it to interfere with me, but I know how to do energy work, so I would just push it back, send it back to where it came, and eventually it just subsided, because I guess the people finally realized they're wasting their time.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but it's very interesting because when I got into the psychic world, I became the devil. See, yeah, I'm the devil because I don't believe in Jesus anymore, so I must be of the devil. And even crossing souls over, I had soul groups come to me. One group was from the church of Christ. They came and said you can't cross the silver unless you've been baptized.

Speaker 1:

You can let that go now.

Speaker 2:

I said, yeah, I was baptized once, 60 years ago or whatever. But it was like, okay, Seriously, yeah, that was there, that was there. I said okay. So I mean because they're still believing what they believe when they were on earth. You see, it's quite fascinating when you get into this.

Speaker 1:

So so the soul doesn't gain like the knowledge and be able to do their life review, and all of that until they've crossed over, until they're in the fifth dimension.

Speaker 2:

I don't think they're. They're capable until they go to their soul group. And then I tell them do a life review and ask yourself this if you were going to reincarnate, what would you do differently? Would you still be a Christian or a Muslim or a Buddha or whatever? Would you still believe that you can go to Buddha and talk to him? He's up there. You can go to Jesus, go out.

Speaker 2:

I said, take your Bible and go talk to Jesus, and asking if that was true or not. Okay, but I did it. I spent almost six months channelling with Jesus over the Bible, for I wrote my book. There are ascended masters, there are beings, and they're in the sixth dimension and you can go ask him, whatever. I even sent a whole group of physicists to see Einstein one time. There was like 12 of these physicists and I went to see Einstein and I got up, I went with them, I crossed over with them into the fifth dimension with them, introduced them and Einstein looked at me and says get the hell out of here. You don't know anything, what are you doing here?

Speaker 2:

I'm just a doorman, sorry, goodbye. Because they were all talking physics and I don't know anything about physics. I said, I don't need, I don't care, I just they wanted them to go to war, to go. So I brought them here Crazy world. But it was like okay, goodbye, I'll see you later. I'm not interested in what you're doing, you know, but you you're consciousness is still there, so it's very, very interesting, you know. The thing about this is like we said there's never an ending to it. You're always going to be learning. If you want to, you can always keep learning more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. Well, I've noticed in nature that, like when something stops growing is when it starts dying. So I kind of take that into my like I'm not ever going to stop growing, because the minute I do is when I start shriveling way. And you know, I don't ever want to feel like I've got it all figured out, because then what you know, you know I'm enjoying this quest.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you go from one thing to the next. You can try to figure out where you want to go after you die and or whatever.

Speaker 1:

That's what I said about your family or about people praying against you, because I I had that understanding recently. I didn't really, because, you know, I was going through a lot of struggles recently and there were people that I couldn't reach out to because I knew that they felt like I deserved the struggles, that I was getting the struggles as I'm living in sin or whatever. It's so ridiculous. But also that like they're rooting for me to fail, like they're rooting for me to fail because it's the only way they feel, like it's the only way they're going to get me, like there's no going back for me, like there's no going back, I don't go backwards, oh they're just as if I didn't believe, and that's not what God is Like.

Speaker 1:

God is love, Like unconditional love, Like you said and I haven't heard it framed as like that's witchcraft. But you're right, that is exactly what it is. It's witchcraft like sending dark energy to somebody else.

Speaker 2:

Well, so much of what I was witnessing in the Christian church where people were. They were binding Satan, which is impossible to do. That's just a myth, and they were. You know, make this person miserable, that's witchcraft. I mean, that's just sending energy, negative energy, toward people, and you know it's just what. You understand how energy works. What they're really doing is they're really messing themselves up because they're sending out this negative energy towards someone and they don't understand the law of cause and effect. So energy works in circles. Energy revolves in circles. So whatever you're putting out eventually will come back to you. So they're going to get the same result is what they're asking for other people to. You know, make this person miserable, they become miserable, right. Why they become miserable? Because nothing's happened to the other person, right? So they can't figure it out.

Speaker 2:

Well, we need to pray harder. We pray harder and it gets worse for them, and then, before long, there's divisions in the church because people can't agree on how come it's not working. You don't pray enough or you don't pray enough. I'm the boss, you're, I'm the senior pastor, you're a junior path. You have to do what I tell you to do. Before long, you've got this riff going on of power. Yeah, I saw it happen. So the whole church is what it's gone. Everybody's got pissed off at each other and left.

Speaker 1:

I've seen it numerous times over the year, like the church splitting and then this other person starting their own church and Trying to convince people to come with them. And one thing I've learned is when something is truth, you don't have to convince people. People can hear truth. Truth sounds different. You feel truth, you know, like I do. I mean I think the more you can hear and listen to your own you know in her guidance, the more so. But I just feel like fruit. Truth has a different frequency and if you're speaking truth you don't need to like coerce people to listen.

Speaker 2:

What's so interesting? How these denominations have split. You know, first Baptist, second Baptist and they're adamant about one scripture yeah, prove right or wrong, it's just what they want to believe Right. And they create this huge rift between each other Over nothing. What they're arguing about is something it's not even true to begin with, so it's. It's just a way of creating more chaos in our society and dividing families. It's so terrible. We think about how many families are divided because of, and people are divided in the energy work field too. Because you don't want to follow this guy's teaching, then I Mean, or you can just get into the conspiracy theory things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, is it fear-based? Yeah, like Not true.

Speaker 2:

Like being in fear of it isn't gonna fix anything, you know oh, qanon is a perfect example of that, because I I had a whole bunch of people that were meditating with that were following QAnon. Okay, I followed it. I had their emails every day. I read it, studied it, looked it up, researched it. I did that for a couple months and finally I Concluded that everything that they had told me wasn't true. I did happen, okay, but in doing energy work, I was always taught if it doesn't work, it's not true.

Speaker 2:

I Make sense, I had to go back and say wait a minute, what you're telling me is not true. Okay, so why are you still following this format of belief? It's not any different than following any religion. It's the same thing. You have to have blind faith to believe something. Blind faith, I believe it regardless of what you told me. Okay, it's not any. It becomes its own religion, it's own group consciousness. It's just another way of controlling people's thinking. We don't call it the Baptist Church, we call it QAnon or we call it something else. Right, it could be another name, it doesn't matter what you want to call it, right?

Speaker 1:

I've experienced that like I don't. I can't see it happening now because I'm I have a new foundation of belief. But about a decade ago I went back to the mainland for several months to be with my family and in that time Just being in the environment it's like the group think just starts to take over in me. Who had been very much like Anti-religion for, you know, over 10 years at that point was getting sucked back in and I realized that Got my butt back in Hawaii it is. There is a culture, like you said it's it's interesting for me to frame it in that way of this the Collective energy, like the more collective energy you're, the stronger it is. So if you're Surrounded by this collective energy, it's you're more likely to be influenced by it. Right, everybody's just feeding each other's this, you know where is all that energy held?

Speaker 2:

It's held in earth, earth mind, and it goes up through your lower chakras and it feeds your ego. Stop and think about the Muslim religion. How do people pray in the Islam religion? They get on their knees. It touched their feet, their knee chakra, which is connected to the earth, and their head, their third eye. So what are they doing? They're connecting with the programmed energy fields of consciousness that support that particular belief system. How many times a day? Two or three times a day?

Speaker 1:

So you're forcing, reinforcing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they're also chanting a certain prayer to Allah. They're reinforcing that energy field.

Speaker 1:

Yeah it's.

Speaker 2:

It's probably the most Ingenious way of brainwashing people there is and those people become very convinced and zealous. They're really sincere about what they believe and they could believe anything. You could change that theology into Worshiping birds or something, and they would still be the same, you see? I mean, it's just how they were, how they were programmed through using. And then there's all these different teachers and have their own slants of their interpretation of what they believe, just like Christianity. It's not any different. The same thing, right. That's how you get all these different sex of what they believe, right? And if you were to take the people themselves, they're wonderful people, they're not bad people. They're wonderful people again. But they've been indoctrinated into a certain theology or and that's what they believe and how, and they keep in there, kept in that state of thought Through what they're doing. You see, yeah, totally.

Speaker 1:

My faith in it was.

Speaker 1:

I want to go back in the very beginning of our conversation before we wrap it up. I just wanted to Come back to this because, like you were talking about, when you went to India and people were being healed and how that made you question Things, my experience was the opposite, because there was a lot of faith in the church that I grew up in and I witnessed Miracles, like I witnessed being demons being cast out and I witnessed, you know, people being able to walk again after not being able to walk or someone's eyes and crossing. You know, I saw miracles and I heard of miracles that happened before me like my whole life under this police system. So for me, it reinforced that this is the truth, this is where it is. So that was one of the hardest parts for me to break apart and to realize that it's the faith, it's the belief, it's, and and that it's energy moving. So those miracles were real, but it wasn't because of the, the doctrine, it was because of the faith in the energy right and the faith that it.

Speaker 2:

Like what? Do you know how it worked? Somehow there was enough energy connected where it worked and I think that you know I still believe in angels. Okay, they're basically I call them light beings connected to the quantum field, and I believe that when people generate enough energy, it motivates and activates certain groups of consciousness to do things like that. Yeah, because I don't this credit people that are sincere about praying for other people, because I know that their intent is genuine. Okay, their theology screwed up, but their intent of wanting to help people is there. Right, they're good people. They want to see. They want to see people heal. They're doing their best and if they channel the right energy, sometimes it works. So work our tune. But when they turn around it and give all the credit to Jesus and and you know their church, then they've sidetracked the whole thing. They should give themselves the credit For being able to channel enough intent to see those people heal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, thank you for that, rather than worship the church, or worship a denomination, or worship Jesus or whoever the same thing. So, anyway, I this is very interesting. It's nice to meet somebody like you and know you that when you're coming from, because you understand exactly what I'm talking about, mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

I do, and I feel like it's important for people like us to have these conversations publicly, because I went through it alone. I had to break down these systems. Luckily I found a great therapist, but I didn't have somebody having these kind of conversations, which is what I felt led. Why I felt led to start this podcast Is because I feel like the people who are going to be drawn to this are people who are either in the church and questioning or People who have broken free from it and trying to find their footing in their own way into their, their energy and their spirituality.

Speaker 1:

Because when you have lived your life based on Such like strong spiritual practices, to go from that to nothing can also be detrimental. So to like build your own spiritual practices, you know, I feel like that's, that's what this is for. But I'm just here listening and and I'll keep showing up as long as I keep getting the guidance. But I also appreciate you and I don't think it's a coincidence at all that I came into your world as I'm doing this work and that you have already, you know, been there and been through it, you know, for many more years than I have. But for somebody coming into this who is just starting their journey of trying to build a spiritual relationship outside of indoctrination, what advice would you give?

Speaker 2:

Well, learn how to learn how to clear your chakras. You know I mean. Yoga is a good way to start if you understand yoga, because all yoga is is connecting with your chakras. You see, that's what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Well, yoga union, right, it's the union of all the partners, yourself.

Speaker 2:

You don't have to participate in the philosophies of it or anything, but you can do the physical, because when I was working in the gym I used to do yoga exercises to clear my heart chakra, you know, and you don't really even have to be in a state of meditation, you can just do the right poses to channel the right energy through your body. You see, but I would advise people to, you know, start off trying to connect with themselves and see, test themselves to see what kind of psychic abilities they have, Because everybody is different and get yourself into some sort of a class where you can ask people questions and practice doing something, practice tuning in to your chakra system, if you can, because I started using crystals, like connected with crystals, and then it kind of evolved into I don't need crystals anymore, but I still use them because I like them.

Speaker 1:

So I found that like, especially coming out of a high-control religion, that we become accustomed to defaulting to a leader for our spiritual guidance. So how would you advise that a person find a meditation group or find a mentor without being led down just another path of oppression and domination?

Speaker 2:

That's pretty difficult. I would probably. I don't know. Mine was just a matter of trial and error with people. There's a lot of stuff on YouTube you can go to. You can listen to somebody read a book, practice it and see if it works. Thing is, the main thing is you don't want to allow yourself to get back to where you were before. My attitude is you take somebody's stuff, you try it out and see if it works for you. Okay, it might be one technique, like if you read my book, there might be one or two things out of that book that is applicable for you. Use it, then go on to something else.

Speaker 1:

Take what works and leave the rest.

Speaker 2:

basically, yeah, maybe just learning how to clear your chakras or getting your power back, or something. If it works for you, then do it. Okay, then move on. You don't have to stay with the same person.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, so if somebody wanted to work with you, how might they do so?

Speaker 2:

They just go to my website, which is exploringsettleenergycom, and they can email me through that and contact me. Then I could set up a time and talk to them. I usually use Skype, resume or FaceTime for that. It's too difficult physically anymore to get together with people. It seems like such an inconvenience. We can turn on Skype, talk to each other for an hour or whatever and go over whatever you want to know. I've got a lady I just started mentoring yesterday, just teaching her how to do the basic stuff. She has my capabilities but she doesn't know how to channel them. She doesn't know how to use them. What we do is we try to define what do you know how to do and what you don't know. What can you do, what can't you do? What things do you see things? Some people see things and they don't hear things. Some people just feel things. So we learn how to define those things and how to work with those. But you start by yourself clearing yourself.

Speaker 1:

I'll also link that to your website in the show notes, so if anybody wants to find that, that'll be down in the show notes. You can find it there. If you want to get in touch with Rich, I recommend it. It's not a coincidence that you're the first guest for this podcast. That was very intentional and I really appreciate you. I appreciate your time in that You're coming to share your wisdom with everybody, and these are important conversations to have, so thank you for being here to have it with me. Well, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Yeah, all right, I'll see you Wednesday. All right, bye. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Speaker 1:

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Beyond Church
Exploring Beliefs and Energy Work
Harnessing Quantum Energy Fields Through Intuition
Exploring Energy Work and Consciousness
Understanding Energy and Belief Systems
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